
Timeline | AdaptOR2021


release date of
the training cases
start platform testing
last possible
registration date
end platform testing
LNCS paper submission date
15/06/2021 - 07/07/2021
submission of docker container
release of the results
at the DGM4MICCAI workshop
AdaptOR challenge re-opens


A challenge publication will be planned by the organisers once a sufficient number of submissions are received.

1. Challenge participants must submit an 8-page LNCS format paper 10 days after the end of platform testing. This paper should include details of their methods and initial results produced on their own split of the training data. CMT will be used for submission. The participants must choose the AdaptOR Challenge option under “Subject Areas”, while creating a submission in the CMT platform. There are no restrictions on the number of authors. As of now, this paper will be published after review in the associated Deep Generative Model (DGM4MICCAI) workshop proceedings. After the challenge results are announced, the authors will get the chance to update their papers to include the latest results on the official test set (one week in Sept/Oct).

2. After the challenge, the challenge organizers will publish a challenge journal paper (preferable TMI or MedIA) together with two participants of each challenge team summarizing the results. Each team should nominate two authors (typically the first and last author). An embargo period until the availability of this journal paper will be put in place for further data usage.